Road Trip! DannyE drove us down to San Marcos, TX to test the ROV out in the crystal clear water of the San Marcos River on Sunday. It went surprisingly well, as far as things for the ROV project are concerned. First of all, the day was gorgeous:
The dive staging area |
We set up shop on an island in the middle of the river, by Rio Vista park. The island is accessed by a small concrete bridge - carrying a bunch of electronics across that bridge was fun stuff. The ROV may be waterproof, but most of our gear certainly isn't.
In any case, after setting up and and clearing our pre-dive checks, we chose to launch from this choice looking spot:
Our launching point - a tiny pier and some beautiful water |
The goal was to dive in the still area between the fast flowing water on the southern side of the island and the slower (yet still powerful, compared to the ROV's motors) current on the northern side.
And dive we did!
Thar she blows!
Safe to say the San Marcos River was far more powerful than our little robot. We explored the immediate environs but were swept away by the current repeatedly. However, we seemed to draw quite a few curious onlookers, including human, piscine, and testudine ones.
Oh, and we saw a really special creature breach the water at one point:
Oh hi
We took a lot of video both from the ROV and the GoPro attached to it. We'll be editing video and throwing it up here soon so that everyone can see what we're seeing while the ROV is underwater. We think you'll like it.
We are also really looking forward to diving in some calmer waters more suited to the ROV's power level - namely, lakes like Lake Buchanan. We are in the planning stages of an exhibition there soon, to look for remnants of the lost city of Bluffton. Whether we find it or not, we're finally able to use the ROV out in the real world and it feels pretty darn good. More to come, soon!